Detective Constable McCarthy was killed in a road accident during mobile surveillance training near Preston.
Thomas William Dale
Sergeant Dale was fatally injured whilst searching a house in Rochdale on 20th March 1941. A teenager had stolen firearms and ammunition from a local warehouse and hidden them in …
Tom Williamson Jewes
Constable Jewes was on duty near to the River Irwell near to Victoria Bridge, when he saw that a man, William Burke, had jumped into the river in an attempt …
William Albert Chippendale
Chief Inspector Chippendale was on duty at East Union Street Police Station, Old Trafford, on 23rd December 1940, during the Manchester Blitz. The station was hit by a landmine, and …
William Prendergast
Constable Prendergast was an officer of the Mounted Branch. On 19th December 1917 he was thrown from his horse and sustained injuries which were later to cause his death.
William Thomas Hughes
Sergeant Hughes was a police dog trainer. On the 4th April 1973 he was running a dog training exercise when he slipped on a wet, muddy bank and injured his …