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Craig Higgins

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Died suddenly while on duty during training having recently started to train to become a police dog handler.

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Alan Brewer

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Whilst working an extended tour of night duty as the Night Detective at Bootle Street police station he became involved in dealing with a violent prisoner. Following which he suffered …

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John Waring

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Collapsed and died of a heart attack in Park Lane Police Station.

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Abraham Sutcliffe

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Constable Sutcliffe was on foot patrol duty in Failsworth when he fell into the canal near Walmsley Bridge and drowned.

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Albert Dennis Salthouse

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Detective Constable Salthouse was escorting a prisoner from Rochdale to Salford. They were travelling in a police car driven by another officer. As the vehicle was being driven over Slattocks …

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Alexander Mitchell

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Constable Mitchell was on uniform foot patrol in Wigan, when he fell into the Leeds-Liverpool Canal and drowned.

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Alfred Henry Pretty

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The Watch Committee minutes record that he had ‘been for several weeks medically attended for heart disease’.

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Allan Shaw

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Constable Shaw was riding a police motorcycle on Crompton Way, Astley Bridge, Bolton during a training exercise. His motorcycle hit a hump in the road, and he lost control and …

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Arthur Allen

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Constable Allen was on duty when he noticed an apparent leak in the radiator of the police prison van. He went to check by opening the radiator cap and was …