Constable Wright was on traffic point duty, on Deansgate at its junction with Bridge Street, Manchester, when he was struck by a car which failed to stop. He never regained …
John Clarence Harrop
Constable Harrop was on duty outside Stretford Library on King Street during an air raid. He was killed as a result of a bomb which exploded near to his location.
John Edward Edmonds
Constable Edmonds was on duty on 7th November 1908, when he fell over a wall near the railway station goods yard in Romiley. He sustained an injury to his knee, …
John Egerton
Constable Egerton responded to a call for assistance from another officer, who had seen a man climb into a large factory yard in Bolton. The officers split up to search …
John Geoffrey Wood Lace
Acting Sergeant Lace was on foot patrol in Higher Bridge Street, Bolton, on 3rd February 1962, when a van mounted the footpath and collided with him. He received severe injuries …
John Giblin
Police Fireman Giblin was also a bandsman in the Oldham Fire Brigade band. On 20th April 1900 he was on duty at a band practice in the band room at …
John Harrison Burns
Constable Burns was on duty at East Union Street Police Station, Old Trafford, on 23rd December 1940, during the Manchester Blitz. The station was hit by a landmine, and Constable …
John Jefferson Charles Cameron
Constable Cameron was engaged on Motor Patrol duties and was travelling in a police vehicle on the M66 Motorway at Whitefield in response to a call to assist at the …
John Milne Duff
Constable Duff was taking part in a Police Sports event between Wolverhampton Police and Manchester City Police, at Wolverhampton. He collapsed and died from a heart attack.
John Sandford
Detective Constable Sandford was on duty near the Manchester Airport Sports and Social Club, on 27th April 1982, when he attended an incident involving a group of youths. As he …